Our Favourite Climate Action Kit Project Tweets

Our Favourite Climate Action Kit Project Tweets
Since its introduction in 2019, the Climate Action Kit has delivered purpose-driven coding education to thousands of students. The micro:bit-powered inventor's kit was designed to empower students through STEM education to tackle climate change issues through the lens of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. 

We’ve found amazing inspiration from the projects students have created in the classroom and are constantly impressed by the creativity and innovation that goes into their solutions. We decided to share some of our favourite posts from Twitter to show you some of the incredible project-based learning that goes on in the classroom. 

Here are 8 of our favourite posts: 

1. Bee Counter Project

@the_mulc’s class got crafty out of season! They created these flower and bee prototypes for their lesson on plants and pollinators so they could accurately test their code in winter.   

This project example is from the Plants & Pollinators lesson in our Land Climate Action Kit.

 2. Automated Watering System Project

Check out the automated watering system that the students in @YKrawiecki’s class coded:  

This project example is from the Advanced Agriculture lesson in our Land Climate Action Kit. 

We love seeing the different plants that are watered! 

3. Automated Seed Planter Project

The students in @plat_edu class created automated seed planters that are designed to counter the impact of deforestation. Watch them in action: 

This project example is from the Deforestation lesson in our Land Climate Action Kit.

4. Wind Turbine Project

@BethDoiron10 tweeted a class project of a wind turbine farm! How cool is this? 

This project example is from the Wind Energy lesson in our Energy Climate Action Kit.

5. Solar Array Project

The students in @madame_quinn’s class built a great prototype of a working solar array: 

This project example is from the Solar Energy lesson in our Energy Climate Action Kit.

6. Electric Vehicle Project

It might not be in motion, but this is a good-looking prototype of an electric vehicle from @44Rigg. 

This project example is from the Electric Vehicles lesson in our Energy Climate Action Kit.

7. All 3 Energy Projects

Feeling ambitious? Check out this tweet from @HBilder with all three Energy projects!  

8. Land & Energy Kit Projects

Finally, here are some prototypes from both the Land and Energy kits by @rdennisstam: 


Want to inspire your students to tackle climate change issues while learning critical 21st-century digital skills like this? Our Climate Action Kit is now available in three different formats: The Land kit, the Energy kit, and the Combined kit. The new Energy Expansion Pack is perfect for those who already have a Land kit and want to upgrade to the Energy kit lessons and projects.

Each kit is designed to provide purpose-driven learning experiences by connecting real-world climate change issues with tangible robotics solutions. Students will explore the UN’s SDGs while connecting them and the climate change issues we’re facing. The Climate Action Kit also includes access to our comprehensive online curriculum and lesson plans tied to climate change.  

For more information about the Climate Action Kit, to purchase, or preview the curriculum for bulk purchases, please contact us at sales@inksmith.ca.