
Technology Virtual Reality 10 Benefits of Using VR in the Classroom

Technology Virtual Reality 10 Benefits of Using VR in the Classroom

It's no secret that virtual reality has been sneaking its way into education in recent years. Virtual reality headsets gained popularity in the late 2010s among video game enthusiasts as a means to further immersing themselves in the gaming environment. Companies...

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InkSmith 3D Slicing Software Launchpad

InkSmith Releases 'Launchpad' 3D Slicing Software

The InkSmith team is excited to introduce the Launchpad Slicing software, available free with all InkSmith 3D printers.

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InkSmith Orbit 3D Printer

InkSmith Launches Orbit 3D Printer

The InkSmith team is extremely excited to announce the launch of our very first InkSmith brand 3D printer, called the Orbit.

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New Year, New Technology

New Year, New Technology

Whether you're a teacher, principal, or just a hobbyist, we've come up with a list of resources that can help you start learning something new this year.

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3D printed object, warping

Common Printing Quality Issues and How to Solve Them

Regardless of your 3D printing experience or knowledge, issues are bound to arise. Troubleshooting and solving those common printing issues is one of the most important parts of the 3D printing journey.

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Dylan's Experience with 3D Printing

Dylan's Experience with 3D Printing

  Written by Colin Pattison. Colin is an elementary school teacher who shares his experience with a student who discovered a love for 3D printing. Dylan wasn't always like this. In fact, quite the opposite. Dylan has had a storied...

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3D Printers Education

10 Reasons Why Cubicon is the Best 3D Printer for Your School or Library

It's no secret that there are many reasons why a 3D printer would be a great addition to any school or library. However, we at InkSmith have a few reasons why you should choose a Cubicon 3D Printer for your Makerspace.

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Robotics Coding micro:bit

InkSmith Excited to Join the Micro:bit Community

The InkSmith team is excited to announce that we've joined the micro:bit community as a reseller, training facilitator and developer of the k8 robotics

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